I finally put together a new layout! I tried to do as much as possible in CSS and leave the HTML as little changed as possible, and when I finished I was able to keep the default WordPress layout as an alternate. In theory I ought to be able to plug in any of the submissions from the WordPress CSS Style Competition as alternates as well.

It’s been tested so far on Mozilla, IE 6, Opera 7, and Konqueror 3.2. It doesn’t use anything more complicated than Fahrner Image Replacement, so it shouldn’t cause too many problems. I’ll try to test it in a bunch of other browsers at work tomorrow.

I consider this a first draft – among other things I figure on adding to the main title banner – but it’s something a bit more distinctive than the out-of-the-box layout we ended up with after the upgrade to 1.0.

Updated Feb. 12 and Feb. 13 to describe testing in more browsers and the interesting saga of tracking down a bug in Internet Explorer 5.0: Continue reading